Monday, July 2, 2007

Update on my porch...LOL

Well, Da Hubby has been working his tail off since Friday at 1pm. He even skipped church yesterday! Shhh. But, Pastor knew! *wink*

DaHubby had a schedule and I (more importantly) had a promise that this would be done in under a week. He assured me that he could do it in a weekend. Well, that was before we found the 12 inch thick, six foot by six foot concrete slab under the dirt of the old porch! *sigh* So, DaHubby spent most of the weekend beating that piece of concrete up with an 18 pound sledgehammer. But, it got done...finally! The poor baby. And, then there were holes to dig. DEEP holes! Yikes!

Then, posts to put in. And, then holes to back fill. So, after midnight on Saturday night...this is "all" that was accomplished.

So, Sunday was spent getting to this point...

And, see that lovely neon green sticker on my front storm door? The city building inspector approved everything so far! YEE-HAW! DaHubby's coming home soon and should be able to start putting the actual decking on shortly!

It wasn't done in a weekend as he had hoped...but it'll be done before he is allowed to leave leaves for his camping trip a week from Friday! *wink* MY HUBBY ROCKS!

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