Tuesday, July 17, 2007

God's Fingerprints - part two

So, I stayed home...and stayed home...and stayed home...and didn't get pregnant. I started thinking that maybe I hadn't heard God right! LOL But, our infertility struggles were a crash course in faith, patience, and waiting on the Lord's timing and taught me more about God in those 25 cycles than I could have learned any other way. God's fingerprints were all over it. But that's another story.

Then, on that 26th cycle...a miracle. And, Flicka joined our family the following year. Then, after being told there would be no way for us to conceive without intervention and while I was still nursing Flicka...another miracle. Then, Pojke joined our family the next year.

So, I've been home since May 2001. Things have been difficult at times - particularly financially. But, I've carried on, cut corners, and cut coupons because I knew that I knew that I knew that the Lord was happy with this situation. Needs were always met. His fingerprints were all over it.

But, then things got *really* tight after Pojke was born. We were down to one vehicle. We had moved into a bigger home since we had been living in a one-bedroom "bachelor bungalow" where Flicka's nursery was 6ft by 10 ft as the former enclosed back porch which DaHubby gutted, studded, wired, and drywalled for his baby girl. We worried about the kids' safety stuffed in the back of that small car...especially when Pojke outgrew his "infant" car seat at about 4 months! So, a mini-van followed. Eventually, the bank started calling about "problems" with our account...

So, we prayed for God's will to be revealed in the situation. Should DaHubby take a second job? Should I go back to work? Where can we cut MORE corners? We turned off the cable. We stopped eating out...at all...no eating with the rest of DaHubby's family after church each Sunday...no snacks when traveling...or any occasional trips to McDonald's. We grew a garden. We started doing Angel Food. I started learning how to sew and do canning. We considered home businesses - either for me or for DaHubby. And, we kept praying..."God, please provide for us and this situation. It's within Your power to guide us to becoming debt-free. Show us the way." And, while I said nothing to DaHubby, I *really* did not want to go back to work unless I absolutely had to. We were searching for God's fingerprints again...

To be continued...


Debbie said...


BTW, I may be the only one, but your page is not loading on my IE and I have to "end task" several times and eventually close it out all together. I finally came back here via Firefox with no problems.

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Hey, Deb - thanks for telling me. I forwarded your comment along to DaHubby to see if he knows what is going on.

I also tried making my pic from Wordless Wednesday smaller in case it was a "too big of a file" problem.

I'm thinking it might be one of the multitude of widgets I have in my right column but I haven't added anything new recently.

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

(later) Deb - DaHubby ck'd it out from work and said that it seems to have corrected itself. Maybe a problem at Blogger not "playing nice" with something I have on my page. Holler if it does it again! Thanks!