Thursday, July 19, 2007

Small Posts, Full Pockets

I haven't broadcast it much but I participate with PayPerPost. I usually post those on the weekends since I've felt moderate guilty about having "advertising" or paid stuff on my blog. LOL

PayPerPost maintains a list of opportunities from advertisers who hope you will check out their objects- or services-for-sale and help create a "buzz" about them by blogging about them.

I saw PayPerPost's ad on another blog. It is definitely not a Christian-only site but there are several ways to find posts suitable for sites I like to frequent. Plus, assuming the free market system works as it's designed, if folks take enough of the non-racy opportunities then there may be more to pick from in the future! LOL

My goal was to snag one a week. I haven't met that goal but it wasn't from a lack of opportunities. And, even though I haven’t kept pace with my goal, I’ve made enough pocket change to keep my PayPal account “pudgy” with funds which helps feed my Ebay addiction! LOL

I also have used those “nickels and dimes” for fundraisers like this and this. It was wonderful knowing I had that little extra padding outside the household budget to give to those causes.

Ideally, the money was to be used for homeschooling supplies for this fall. However, with that plan temporarily on hold, that money is just sittin’ there waiting for the next Ebay deal to strike! LOL

If you are interested in an opportunity like this, check on this site at
PayPerPost and poke around. Even if you don't have a blog, they'll help you out! You might find it’ll work for you!

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