Using this recipe, it took about 30 minutes to produce 60 small containers (which I got in my local craft store's bead storage section) of chocolate and lemonade flavored lip gloss! Using my teacher discount at the craft store and getting the ingredients on sale and/or at our local dollar store, this whole project cost cost less than $10.
Frugal and fund raising? This week that REALLY works for me!
And, if you would like to help out my family's team who walk in memory of my brother-in-law as well as in honor of my sister-in-law who is currently 5 weeks post stem cell/bone marrow transplant for a rare leukemia and in honor of my mom who is a melanoma survivor, please consider going my American Cancer Society page. Our team is currently in second place in our whole county for funds raised! And, my other sister-in-law is the keynote speaker at our county's luminaria event Saturday night!
Finally, to see more WFMW ideas, see Shannon's post today.
Excellent idea. What a good thing your are doing.
Thanks for sharing.
I want to make lip gloss as Christmas presents this year. It is nice to now have a recipe that is tried and true. Thanks!
I love this idea! I've always wanted to try making lip gloss but could never figure out what to store it in. You're so smart! Thanks for the great tips. You did a fantastic job. Way to stretch your dollar!
Way cool! Maybe I should make my own...I swear I own 52 tubes of the stuff cuz I'm always misplacing it! :O)
I would have NEVER thought making your own lip gloss was that easy. That's awesome.
Ok -- if YOU don't share this idea at my Homemade with Love carnival this year... I WILL. This is a GREAT idea for a homemade gift for a teenager, or a stocking stuffer... YOU ROCK!
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