First and foremost - exciting news! Twenty-three days post-transplant and my sis-in-law Peggy

And, second, more good news! Thanks to a super-kind lump sum donation from a childhood friend who now lives out of state, I'm one-quarter of the way to my fundraising goal for our local Relay For Life that I will be participating in in just over two weeks!
I'm so incredibly blessed in so many other areas...
by a hubby that car pools so the gas budget stretches farther
by friends who call to say they miss seeing me and the Vikings and invite us over for a playdate
that next month we will pay off another major credit card
by church family that just stops by to drop off a beautiful new Sunday dress they thought Flicka might look beautiful in
by having healthy children
by a pastor that just stops to see how our garage sale is going (LOL)
by a surprise watermelon (DaHubby's favorite) for dessert this week from my in-laws
by the interlibrary loan program at our local library which will allow me to participate in this bloggy reading club
and, is there anything better than the sight of a full fridge?
Despite having got less than four hours sleep last night due to a Pojke bad dream and thunderstorms, I'm just brimming with thankfulness today...
...and how more thankful could I be if I just had some more caffeine! *wink*
A truly beautiful Thankful Thursday post! Such good news about Peggy.
Happy Thankful Thursday!
That's wonderful news! It's surely something to be very thankful for. :D
Wonderful news, superb list. Really enjoyed reading today, dear Beth.
Wonderful news about your SIL!! I enjoyed your TT list.
Praise God for such wonderful news regarding your sister in-law.
Wow...what joyful news! Your thankful heart has definitely blessed me tonight. Thank you for sharing!
Praise God for your sis-in-law! Your post was lovely, God bless you!
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