Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Only a boy...

Raising up Pojke is so different than Flicka was at the same age! LOL It's more than each being an individual - it's really just something innate!

I was thinking this morning as I was changing his di*per (don't really want an Google hits or Google ads about those!*wink*) and he had me absolutely cracking up:

Only a boy smells his own foot and goes "pee-choo" and then not only offers it for you to smell too but, when you agree with your own "pee-choo", he then offers you the other one as well! *big smile*

That's gotta be from DaHubby 'cuz of course it couldn't come from me! LOL


sara said...

so that's a boy thing, huh? Having no girls myself, I thought it was just a kid thing. Girls must be so much more refined!

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Well, I guess it might just not be a Flicka thing then! LOL

Rebecca said...

I am always amazed at what my son will do and say...I can just imagine the smelling his feet. LOL!!!!