Monday, January 7, 2008

I haven't forgotten...

Out of state guests passing through, staying the night in our home - DONE!
Pojke's birthday party for 6 adults and 6 kids - DONE!
MOMS Club newsletter, first draft - DONE! Hopefully, subsequent draft will be done this afternoon after the president edits it and it will be in the mail by this evening since it is supposed to be at International by the 10th! Yikes!

And, this Friday we will be starting our exercise challenge. Ten weeks of a new exercise promise to ourselves to get through the winter "blahs" and into Spring!

If you have started a "self promise" (I don't like "resolutions" LOL) January 1st, GREAT! Keep it up! If you're still undecided and/or procrastinating (like me), finish choosing one and come back Friday to sign up!

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