God's hand was all over the purchase of this piece of property just a hop, skip, and a jump from our current church home. The house was originally built by
Last fall, DaGrandpa, who was also a large machine operator in addition to being a pastor, got to knock over several acres of trees with some rented equipment...a bulldozer I believe. Now, comes the job of clearing all that brush and fallen trees. And, we started to make a dent last night!
Several guys (including DaHubby) met with their chainsaws yesterday afternoon and got to work! Others came off and on over the afternoon to fellowship and to cheer the workers on. Then, around 6pm which is our usual Sunday meeting time, we all settled into lawn chairs, sang several songs, and prayed over the four corners of this property which we hope will
Afterwards, there's was a little fun to be had as well. (These are the parents of the really fun family I mentioned here. They make me laugh and not take parenting too seriously...and their kids aren't too bad either! *wink*)
A great night to remember God's promise and get charged up to serve Him and expand the Kingdom!
1 comment:
Awesome! Our church did something very similar... we sold our building and moved a little further north -- now we have a small building, but we're in the middle of a building fund campaign bcs we're going to add on!!! Fun!
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