Normally, I would stick to fiction for most of this. Easy for me. Quick reads, brain candy since my brain power is so taxed lately keeping the Vikings from escaping from the house or going into a sugar coma. However, I'm stickin' to nonfiction this time around and we'll see how it goes.
I'm estimating about 2 weeks per book...thus 6 books. (The first two count as one since I'm halfway through each! LOL) And, here is my list:
Finishing The Real Mary: Why Evangelical Christians Can Embrace the Mother of Jesus by Scot McKnight
Finishing Healing for Damaged Emotions by Davids Seamands
Debt-Free Living by Larry Burkett As a mentor of sorts to Dave Ramsey, I'm hoping this complements our recent get-outta-debt attitude.
Fear of the Lord by John Bevere I've been trying to read this for several years and feel like I may finally be far enough along in my walk with Christ and "mature" enough in my faith to give it another try.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen A classic, I know. But, my interest was rekindled by my re-introduction to it by PBS.
Either a Maria Montessori biography to complement some homeschool research OR The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court which just sounds juicy- depends on my local library
Maybe a Lynn Truss - maybe this one or this one
So, stop by Katrina's place today and see what else everyone's reading this Spring. And, as Katrina says:
"...if you want to focus on non-fiction this spring, go for it. If you'd rather use the challenge to structure your family reading time, do it. If you only have three books on your list, don't worry about it. If you get half-way through this spring and decide to change your whole list, that's no problem. The point of the challenge is to give you a chance to set goals that you want to set. There's no pressure, there's no "minimum number of books." Make a list that suits you and your current situation and goals, and join in!"
So, do what she says...JOIN IN! *wink*
Beth! I did it!! 1001 minutes of walking!! I reached my goal!! Thanks for encouraging me!!
Oooohhhh, Pride and Prejudice...I should have thought of that one!
I just read Pride and Prejudice a year or so ago and would love to read it again some time.
I have a harder time with non-fiction, too, even when I love it and really want the info.
Oh, I am impressed that you have such a nonfiction focus. I *need* fiction to break things up for me. :) Thanks for being part of SRT '08!
Enjoy your reading! I finally read Pride and Prejudice and was pleasantly surprised at how close PBS was to the book. fun times...
Great list, I am also reading Pride and Prejudice this SRT. I have never read it.. but love the movie, so I figured it was time to read the book
I read P&P a couple summers ago and LOVED it. So so good.
Great list!
Looks like a great list! I loved Pride & Prejudice--even better than the movie (but aren't books always better?:)
Great list! I have P & P on my stack as well. I probably read it every year and then watch A&Es version.
Good for you branching out. Yes, even in a non-competitive challenge, I think that Katrina DOES end up challenging us.
Hey wow!! Great to meet you via the SRT challenge...wonderful list, good for you to go for non-fiction! :) Can't wait to read your reviews. Might I say YAY for y'all with your debt pay-offs...that is so encouraging!! Keep going!! :) Happy Reading!
Great list, I love the mixture of titles you have chosen. Happy Reading!
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