Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Something to think about...

From our final FPU lecture last night...

Whether you believe in tithing or not, you should be GIVING! It's NOT YOUR MONEY! You are only a steward of it for Him! EVERYTHING is His. Unfortunately, less than 5% of Evangelical Christians tithe according to Dave Ramsey's statistics.

"Steward" is from the Old English - it's not a Biblical term. Back in the King James days, the feudal system was the primary economic system. The lord of the manor owned it all and then there were those who owned nothing and worked that land and lived on that land in return for his protection. The steward was the guy who ran the lord's estate for him. Everyone knew that the "stuff" wasn't his but he was responsible for seeing that the funds, capital, herds, whatever were managed to the best of his ability to the "glory" of the lord of the manor.

Ya get it yet? *wink*

"Stewardship drives" are NOT supposed to be about fund raising for your local church. It's about teaching people to Biblically manage what God gave them.

Dave Ramsey's big finale?

Why does God want us to give? Because He is a giver. And, He gave the ultimate: His Son. And, we are made in His image so we are to be givers as well.

Also, His Son also gave His life willingly. How "small" is it comparatively speaking to giveback one-tenth of ALL the Father provided after His Son gave His all for you?



Heather said...

I didn't know that about stewards--interesting. And poignant.
I married the most generous man on the planet. He inspires me to give more.
And, yes, I do name my Christmas trees! Although they're not necessarily Swedish every year. Last year was Ralph, the year before Doug, the year before that Charlie...

Thursday's Child said...

Excellent post, Beth/Dave. :)

Anonymous said...

Less than 5%? WOW!

Sharing Thoughts on Things I Love said...

i am also from MI and we just started the Dave Ramsey plan...we are ready for the hard work!