Friday, December 21, 2007

Another Friday Packing Session

We're heading out of town again this afternoon...this time to my dad's. DaHubby's work party is today from from noon 'til 3pm and then we're off to the Ann Arbor area.

So, I'm finishing laundry, finishing cookies, packing suitcases w/ clothes, diapers, etc., digging out the Pack N Play for Pojke, burning disks of pictures for grandparents. Then, the Vikings and I have to go get gas, buy snacks and drinks for the trip (so we don't stop and buy over-priced junk on the way), a gift for Pojke and a gift for my secret sister at church for Sunday. All this before noon! LOL

I've always wondered how people without ADD deal with ALL this stuff! *wink* Blessings on everyone's weekend plans and on your celebrations of Jesus' birthday!


Anonymous said...

safe travels
Merry Christmas to you and yours

Jen at

Thursday's Child said...

Merry Christmas and stay safe on your travels.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful trip!