Monday, April 30, 2007

Touched a Little Bit of Heaven

As I posted Thursday, we had revival/renewal services for several nights this weekend. Still running through my mind and I can't put it into an organized form quite yet. I don't know where to begin...

Random thoughts...

I'm awed and still in tears to see the transforming power of the love of Christ as a young man whose parents have requested prayer for his salvation week after week after week came to Christ this weekend.

I was brought to my hands and knees by the heaviness of God's presence during worship.

I'm finally beginning to grasp what "restoration" really means.

I saw a man struggling with depression and other problems declare the devil can't have him and come back to Christ.

I saw a man "drunk in the Spirit" and it was amazing.

I got a peek at what heaven filled with "forever praise" may be like. Like the song "I Can Only Imagine" from Mercy Me - "I can only imagine when all I will do is forever, forever worship You." We were nearly there each night.

Da Hubby and I felt like we had run a marathon each and every night from sheer mental, spiritual, and physical exhaustion. However, I was prayed over last night and find myself pain-free this morning! Praise God!

I watched my sweet, sweet baby girl dance with the joy of the Lord with the "grown ups" during worship.

I heard several testimonies of incredible odds beaten, miracles granted, lives transformed all due to God's love, mercy, and grace.

We worshipped Friday night with our Spanish-speaking sister church...with their worship Spanish (which no one in my church family knows to my knowledge) and yet felt unified in Christ. It was cool, cool, COOL!

We heard four encouraging, prophetic, instructional, anointed messages from a man of God that takes my breath away. He's on a WHOLE 'nother level of spiritual maturity that I can't even grasp yet.

I had it reinforced that I am valuable, tender, and dear in Christ's eyes and I have a ministry to "birth" in Him, in His time.

I was encouraged to remember to step boldly out for Christ. Sanctify myself - set apart for Him and from the world. Accept no less. Confidence in Him in NOT arrogance, we were told. It is JOYOUS FREEDOM! This helped with the struggle that Debbie and I discussed in the comments of a post I had here.

It was the first time I was "part" of this type of church service and not watching from the sidelines as an observer, critic, or student. The last time this speaker was with us, I was seven months pregnant with Pojke. We had been at this church home for over two years at that point. I still had so many questions, concerns, etc. with my "new" Pentecostal lifestyle *wink* But, my ability to take the leap of faith, jump in, and join my church family in their joy, enthusiasm, and love of the Lord was really culminated in these services.

I now know what being filled with the Holy Spirit *feels* like. While I have not joined my church family in speaking in tongues, there was an amazing moment between me and God Friday night while the evangelist prayed for me. I literally felt like - as I was looking up, God was pouring into me so many new things and I could feel it filling from my toes up to my head.

Finally, last night, the evangelist stopped to talk to me during our after-service fellowship time. He said Da Hubby had told him about my blogging. And, he told me that he felt that it was an anointed thing I was doing and something I needed to continue. So, I guess y'all are stuck with me for a while! *wink*

I have so much else to share about this weekend on top of other things I had in mind to write about. I'm hoping to get it all down before I "lose" it!

Basking in the glory of it all today...PRAISE HIM!


Lori said...

Praise God, sounds like a wonderful time that won't be forgotten anytime soon.

GiBee said...

One of the most precious things I've seen is children worshipping with pureness and total abandon. Why is it so hard for us adults do that too???

I just tagged you with a Purse Meme! Come on by to check it out:

AND ... I'm glad you will continue to blog. You are a blessing!