Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Thank Tank

In honor of Peach who is obediently following the Lord's call recently to take a break from blogging...

I don't know where to begin this week. Again, I have no sense of there being a unifying link but here goes:

1. I'm thankful for the small amount of money I've made in the last month of so. I have written 4 posts for Pay Per Post. I was given 50+ videos via Freecycle from a local grandma who grandbabies are all grown. NO WAY we could have kept them all so I Ebay'd about half. I've also Ebay'd a few remaining baby clothes laying around. While it's not much, it's made me feel more like I'm contributing to the household. And, I praise God for the talents and abilities He's given me to do such things.

2. REVIVAL! Wa-hoo! It starts tonight at church and runs through Sunday! We had intercessory prayer last night and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Expecting A.W.E.S.O.M.E things!

3. Thankful for a decision finally made. Been stewing and stewing and percolating and percolating about trying to create some kind of "official" homeschool-preschool experiment for Flicka for the fall. Been hemming and hawing for weeks. I simply prayed one night for God's will and timing. Within days, I woke up and it was like the decision had been made in my sleep. I woke knowing the where, the how, the when and now have goals in place to begin! Praise Him!

4. Thankful for service plans with Best Buy! My life stops and become unseemingly chaotic without my Palm. And, my third one in 13 months died 2 weeks ago. It was replaced (again) last week. That's about $900 worth of technology that has ultimately cost about $70!

5. Life without cable. I would highly recommend it. Things are steamlined. Minds less cluttered. Less time wasted. More getting accomplished. No ongoing background noise. More praise and Christian music on the radio instead. The TV is on less than half the time. It has been a womderful blessing!

Since Peach is on break, perhaps check out Sting My Heart who is "home base" for Thankful Thursdays!


Lisa said...

Hi Beth! Sounds like you've been BUSY!! Glad to hear that things are going so well too! Sounds like you've got the schooling thing figured out, but if you have any questions please feel free to ask any time. You should have gotten my email, so you've got my addy now.

Take care,
Lisa :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth! Did you get your seeds? I mailed them a few weeks ago....