Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day Seventeen

Well, it's hard to believe this is nearly over already! Things have been in such a transformation stage that I don't know if I can sum it all up for everyone.

Greater peace. Better sleep. More patience. More "quiet brain" time. Conversations about growth, belief, faith, obedience with family and others. Blessed Scripture time. Dealing with stress better.

New motivation for our roles in church leadership. Reprioritizing. What will *really* make a difference in the Kingdom versus the "what needs to be done on my to-do list" rat race. Tackling our first class in a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University course at a local church.

What I am or am not eating seems of little importance. The point was the obedience. And,
all this while it seems the world's roof is collapsing over our heads.

We will stand in Christ!


Karen said...

What awesome results!! And, I think you're right - it's rarely about the actual item you are fasting, but about the mindset of obedience. Sounds like it has been a blessing!

Unashamed said...

Has it really been 17 days?? And I am so glad that this has been such a blessing to you. And I'm a bit in awe too. If you remember, I fasted for Lent last year - pretty unsuccessfully. Fasting just seemed too much like "dieting" to me and that was getting in the way of getting any spiritual benefits out of it. I think I will do better next year by giving up something non-food, heh heh.

And way to go signing up for Dave Ramsey. He doesn't just show you how to get out of debt, he teaches you principles that give you PEACE over how you take care of God's resources. I'm very excited for you!

Anonymous said...

The willing and obedient will eat the good of the land!! I am so glad you have such peace and direction now.

I have never heard of Dave Ramsey. Is there a website?
