Monday, June 29, 2009

The Product of Praise - part three

Two weeks ago, our pastor preached a sermon entitle The Product of Praise. I wanted to share the notes with everyone but life's broadsided me lately and I only got part one and part two completed - leaving me just over halfway done.

The sermon centered on the text of 1 Chronicles 4:1 and here it is in NKJV:

The sons of Judah [were] Perez, Hezron, Carmi, Hur, and Shobal.

And, the sons of Judah are sons (and daughters) of PRAISE!

Part one explained the type of praise Perez symbolized (a "breach" thus God is in complete control and stands in that breach to keep the things from doing you harm).

Meanwhile, part two described the type of praise embodied by Hezron (a"shield" thus when the devil tries to flood into your life, the Lord will lift up a standard or a shield) and Carmi (a "harvester" or one who didn't plant but just reaped thus through your praise, God will cause blessing that you don't even deserve to come your way).

Now, what kind of praise to we find in Hur?

Hur means "liberty". This is the liberty found when God removes your past. And, we need to remember that it doesn't matter what anyone says about you - the WORD OF GOD is all that matters. And, you need to understand that prasie is your weapon against those who want you to live as you did before Christ pardoned your sin.

Finally, Shobal means "wandered, traveler, pioneer." One must find God's peace with your moving circumstances...and find that right peace at the right time. There is POWER in your praise and praise will lift you out of and above your circumstances.

So, I'm still trying to gotta praise your way out! In the midst of your circumstance, the the midst of your confusion, in the midst of your crisis, you have to give God praise!

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