Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bend a knee?

We're running out the door post-dinner and post-phone call from Chicago:

Things are not going well for DaHubby's sister, Peggy. She finished her second round of chemo last week and had a bone marrow test on Monday to see if THIS chemo kicked the leukemia. While we've been waiting for the results, Peggy continues to have more problems and more complications. She is now running a high fever and received blood/platelets. There may be an infection setting in. They've run additional tests for other things but what is scaring the family is how badly she looks and that she is starting to use phrases like "reaching my limit" and "just waiting for these test results." She's getting tired.

Please pray as you are led...perhaps for her comfort, a healing would be wonderful, for good test results, for strength and faith but always God's will. Thank you.


Pam said...

Definitely praying. Thanks for letting us know.

Debbie said...

Praying for her....