Monday, October 27, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway

(Comments have been closed at this point. A winner has been chosen. But, feel free to look around!)

If this is your first time here, welcome to the Vikings' Hus!

I'm Beth and this is where I try to find some sanity (or show off our insanity) before the bloggy world. I'm a 40-year-old Christian SAHM trying out homeschooling for the first time with my 4 year old "Flicka" with my 2 year old "Pojke" tagging along.

I'm married to DaHubby (who is a proud Yooper) and we now live in SW Michigan. Prior to this family life, I lived all over SE Michigan and the Thumb area working in one of my three careers: video/TV production, law enforcement (don't ask! LOL), and teaching.

For now, we're all about homeschooling, frugal living, Dave Ramsey, church, and helping DaHubby through a full-time college program to start a new career while he continues to workhis current full-time job which supports this household.

With the introductions out of the way, let's get to the good stuff:

My giveaway is a small one. The last few years, I've been learning all sorts of new stuff about cooking. While I can now whip up several good-tastin' frugal meals, I've never really improved my baking skills much. LOL I just don't find it as rewarding plus we really don't need the extra sweets around here! *wink*

So, while I loved receiving this gift, I just haven't used it. But, for one of you who might be a proficient pie baker, it could be a wonderful thing. I'm giving away a brand-new, in-box pie bird.
For a history of a pie bird, check here. And, if you are interested in winning this cute little gadget, just leave your name and contact info in the comments. US addresses only please.

And, head back to Bloggy Giveaways for more free stuff!


Melissa said...

I used to bake all the time but haven't done so lately. Maybe this little birdie will help inspire me!

Thanks for the giveaway. It is also nice to see another McCain supporter!

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

That is so neat! I would love to win one of these.

My email addy is mamarussell at gmail dot com

By the way, thanks for entering my bloggy giveaway for All About Spelling! I wanted you to know that I updated and now have two more ways to add extra entries. Check it out!

Dina said...

I never heard of this but was interested to read the history and wouldn't mind trying this one out!! Thanks for this giveaway

Anonymous said...

I love this little bird! It would be so fun to use. I like to cook and am in 4-H. GO MCCAIN!!

P.S. Check out my Sarah Palin Rally Post

Anonymous said...

Oh, and my email is


majellamom said...

I've wanted a pie bird for a long time (I'm strange, I know) but never could come up with a good enough excuse to get one, so I would LOVE to win this!

Great giveaway!

Lisa said...

Wow! I admire you. I can't even get the cooking thing down. Maybe you need to send some of those recipes my way (as long as they are easy.) You don't have to enter me in this contest though, because I would never use this cute little birdie.

Bonnie said...

oooo this would so match my blue bitds collection.........praying i win this one

Mer said...

So cute! I'll be making a lot of pies for Thanksgiving and would love to try a pie bird!

Kimberly said...

This is adorable!!! My great-grandmother had something similar to this, but not nearly as cute!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Anonymous said...

Too sweet! Wouldn't this little bird make pie baking a delight?!


jenny said...

wow i love to win this brid it would be so nice to have thinks

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

CrystalGB said...

Pretty. I have always wanted one of these.

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

Oh how cool! And I loved getting to know a bit about you in your intro! (and a giggle at "DaHubby"...puts me in mind of an older SNL skit but for a totally different team *wink*)
My Mamaw (who raised me) had a pie bird!!! I had completely forgotten about it until I read this post! Hers was not as "ornate" as yours, in fact it was actually barely recognizable as a bird, but I do remember that is what it was called! Thank you so much for the chance to win! I will be back after the bloggy carnival to read your blog, I am already loving it! thanks again!

Unknown said...

So cute! I actually have an older pie bird that was handed down from my grandmother but I don't use it because I'm afraid I'll ruin it. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Becca said...

Thats so cute, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love these. They remind me of "Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie, when the pie was open.." you know. Or do you know?

Anyway, I think this is just precious and I would love to win. I would use him and cherish him!

CanCan said...

I would love to win this! I seriously bake pies all the time! This is the cutest thing!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

how cool
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

It's so cute. I love to cook and bake (well, usually).

hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

Jane said...

The birdie is so cute. I love to bake pies and this would come in very handy. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen one of these until today. I bake a ton of pies so I guess I need this :) And even if I don't win, I learned another cooking tip today!
PS- You can contact me through my blog if I win :)

Heidi said...

This would be the perfect gift for my sister in law. So unique!

Becca said...

I've always wanted to try one of these...What a treat to win! Thanks! cross_home2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com


love it please enter

Genevieve P said...

I'd love to use this birdie in apple pies for Thanksgiving!

parknj at basicisp dot net

ahiltz said...

Oh, your little blue bird is so cute and I would love to give it a new home! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway for us!

noreen said...

my daughter just made her first apple pie and it would be fun to use this next time, check out my blog for the pics and recipe, you can vote for her in a video contest too

crystal said...

Cute pie bird!

jayedee said...

this little fellow is adorable! please throw my name into the hat for this awesome giveaway! good luck everyone and drop in at the lost world, if you can, to sign up for my giveaway!

bren j. said...

Awesome! I've always wanted to try a pie bird. This one is so cute!

Ginny said...

What a unique thing, this would make a great little gift for my grandma.

Jodi said...

I don't bake, but my aunt would love this pie bird.

I am also from Michigan, Downriver area, and I love Church, Dave Ramsey, and I am trying to be more frugal. I will be bookmarking your site!

Kirby McCauley said...

I want to give this to my dad! His pies are to die for!!

Anonymous said...

I just love this idea and seeing the photo of all the ones that have been made makes me want to start collecting them! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Cute! I'd love to enter too :D

Michele P. said...

what a cute pie bird! Please enter me-one thing I DO like to cook/bake are pies!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

AmandaK said...

I had no idea what a pie bird was, and then I asked my Mom. She had some kind of an idea, but not fully. We checked out the history and now we're hooked!! I might have to find one to give as a gift!


Anonymous said...

Goodness, how cute! I would love to try this little guy out :)

raspberrykitty at aol dot com

rlgrady said...

That is so cute! I had never heard of a "pie bird" before.


Molly C. said...

How cute is this? I had never heard of a pie bird before. But I definately want one now. lol

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I have never heard of a pie bird until just now, but I would love one! Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I had never heard of a pie bird until now, it makes since though!


Josie said...

This is so adorable!

Unknown said...

This is so cute and makes me want to bake a pie.Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.


buzzd said...

How adorable! Click on my name for my email address.

Charlotte said...

Cute little bird! I haven't baked a pie in a while, and I've never used a pie bird.


AshleyL. said...

i collect birds and i woud LOVE to win!

Unknown said...

I'd neaver heard of a pie bird until I came across this giveaway, but it is such a great tool. It would come in handy for the apple pie I make for Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. They always bubble over so I put my cookie sheet under the pie to catch it and now that is all stained :(

Anonymous said...

This is adorable.
I would love to win this neat little birdie. :)Please enter me in the giveaway.
BTW, I like your blog.