Since Financial Peace University and renewed frugality have hit here like a hurricane, the weekly grocery preparations have become a 1-2 hour thing. Most Monday evenings I spend significant time going through the Sunday ads and our Monday newspaper (in which two of our grocery stores' flyers come out) looking for sales and comparing prices.
Since Flicka was subjected to 6 hours round-trip of Dave Ramsey radio show mp3's to and from Detroit two weeks ago, she has started randomly, for no apparent reason, screaming "we're debt free!" throughout the house. (If you've never listened to Ramsey's radio show - people will often call in immediately following paying off all their debt at which time Ramsey leads them with a 1-2-3 to scream "we're debt free!")
Not to be outdone, Pojke is now "assisting" with my grocery preparation - naming each item as we go: