Monday, February 22, 2010

Juggling chainsaws

Life around the Viking Hus has been changing slowly and steadily since summer.

DaHubby's schooling is still in full-time mode but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. This is the last full time semester which ends May 1st. He has one class spring semester and he's D-O-N-E!

However, be careful what you pray for. LOL We had been hoping things could ease up their relentless pace because this momma and daddy are ex-haust-ted with two years of "emergency mode" living as DaHubs has been working and schooling full time. Then, DaHubby got laid off. Would it be ungrateful (and really naive) to say that this is actually a blessing of sorts? LOL

We love having him home. I love the break from full-time Viking care. And, I love he's getting more sleep and more time with the kids. But, the changes in schedules, planning, and logistics are taxing my already ADD-addled, organizationally-challenged brain. LOL There was a point one morning last week where I had a semi-panic attack because, just for a moment, I couldn't think where the kids were and who had them. LOL

Then, DaHubs unemployment was initially denied because he is a full time student. (Don't ask - crazy bureaucratic rules.) But, there's a protest process which we're going through that should end in our favor by the end of the month.

There's been the trips to various public assistance offices. There have been MOUNDS of unending paperwork. And, there are still bills to pay and insurance issues to deal with.

All this while still juggling the standard "soccer mom" fare: playdates, school events, Bible study, church commitments, family commitments, my Monday night class in sign language, kids' YMCA classes, etc.

Then, as if all that wasn't enough to juggle, DaHubby and I are scrambling with some "side hustles". He's involved with some computer stuff while I'm scrambling to make these and these.

While I know it is "only" NINE weeks 'til DaHub's graduation, those nine weeks ahead of us seem longer than the previous 80-some that have passed since he started school.

However, regardless of all this, we have been abundant showered with blessings the last 3 weeks as we've struggled the last two with no income. We've had money pressed into our hands, gift cards given to us, offers of help from friends and family, and possible job leads from friends. God has placed encouraging people around us this month and we praise Him for it.

We have felt so much love from God, friends, and family. When we collapse into bed each night, we know that we are loved. And, DaHubby and I pray that despite all that's going on, all the stress, all the upheaval that the Vikings know that truth as well. They are loved.

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