Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pass The Torch Tuesday - late but not out

Spent the morning and afternoon enjoying some quality time with Pojke so I wasn't on the computer this morning. Yet, I wanted to share something from today. "Garden fever" has struck at the Viking household!

DaHubby is planning and plotting and pacing the backyard. He's started about 40-50 "pods" with seeds in my kitchen window. He's got a computer program telling him what to plant, where to plant it, when it'll sprout, when we'll be able to harvest, etc.

And, he's raising up another "garden fever man"...
For more Pass The Torch, stop by Kelly's place to see her post today.


Kelly Curtis said...

Wow! you start 'em young around there;) Oh, and it's never too late for PTT - thanks for joining in!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

its good to spend quality time with our kids
they are only young once
what is the computer programme your hubby is using?
We would like to get into gardening a bit with home schooling we have planted carrots (in a pot) - its a start