Monday, September 3, 2007

Are We Unstoppable Worshippers?

"The year is 1744. Hymn writer Charles Wesley is in Leeds, England, holding a prayer meeting in an upstairs room.

"Suddenly there is a creak in the floorboards, followed by a massive crack, and the whole floor collapses. All 100 people crash right through the ceiling into the room below.

"The place is in chaos - some are screaming, some are crying, some just sit in shock. But as the dust settles, Wesley, wounded and lying in a heap, cries out, 'Fear not! The Lord is with us; our lives are all safe.' and then he breaks out into the doxology: 'Praise God, from whom all blessings flow...' - perhaps a bizarre choice of song, considering what had just happened!

"But here's the point: while everyone else was still licking their wounds, the heart of this unstoppable worshipper was responding with unshakable praise"

Taken from The Unquenchable Worshipper by Matt Redman who subsequently cited W.J. Limmer Sheppard's Great Hymns and Their Stories of the Religious Tract Society.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Oh to be like this!

If this would have happened more recent wonder what would happen after the dust settled. Would the church lose half or more of it's congregation? Sad to say that most would be on the phone to a lawyer to start proceedings against the church, construction co.'s, and anyone else they can blame, even if they were the ones responsible for building maintianance.

It seems easier to worship during the good times, but victory is sweeter if done during the trying times.
Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed it!