Monday, September 26, 2011

My Worry List

I recently started a Bible study through the new church we've been attending since school started. Having participated in our former church's women's ministry and its "Just For Joy" Bible studies, including some by Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer, it seemed familiar to take "Discerning the Voice of God" by Shirer this fall.

While there are a lot of REALLY good nuggets (and I'm only two days into the homework), one particular exercise has hit me hard...the "worry list."

"...make a list of personal circumstances troubling you. As you work through this Bible study, focus on these circumstances and how God is speaking to you concerning them."

Didn't seem too difficult. And, we've had and have A LOT of worries the last few years. I was able to write a lengthy list.

But...then came another instruction the following day.

"Look back at the list you a plus sign beside the ones in which you are patiently waiting to hear from God and a minus sign beside the ones in which you have taken action before hearing from Him."


Here I am thinking I've really learned to depend on God and to listen to His leadings the last few years. Well, I have...but only to a point apparently.

As I looked down the list of 8 major things I stress about regularly, only two had plus signs by them.


Now, to keep myself accountable for being aware and alert for His voice and to be thankful for the things He does provide, I've kept dates and circumstance that follow that stand as a testament of how God is not only hearing me but He is taking care of things despite my lack of listening.

And, if He is already doing THAT much for me, how much better would it be if I actually STOPPED and LISTENED to Him back?

I'm praying that this study continues to open up these kinds of doors for me. I'd love to have the confidence like that I see in others that I'm truly, sincerely, honestly hearing God speak and that I'm responding to His plan for me and my family.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I like your blog...God Bless :)