Wednesday, October 24, 2012

FIR 2012: When the Walls Fell

Well, it has been a rough 2 weeks. I finished my last book on the 8th. Four days later, we were at a hospital in Chicago saying our goodbyes to DaHubby's sister who was losing her battle with leukemia, a subsequent stem cell transplant, and its after effects. She died on the 13th and we unexpectedly stayed in Michigan until the 19th. Not a lot of reading going on.

So, over the last four days, I wrapped up something that's been sitting on my Kindle that I've been meaning to read: When the Walls Fell by Monique Martin. It's number two in her time travelling series. I read the first,  Out of Time (which is still free for Kindle at this posting), when I saw it on a Kindle freebie-of-the-day list, read the blurb, thought I'd like it, and downloaded it. It wasn't on my original FIR reading list.

It's light but challenging, quick but complicated, a little adventure and a little romance. Some good brain candy to get back on track with.

Then, I started one of the Barefoot Sisters' literary travelogues last night. Hoping to finish it by Monday.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sharing a teaching tool...

I've been asked over and over to share this but can't find the original link or I'm trying to embed it from Facebook. This is Flicka's former Daisy troop leader sharing how she taught that troop the Girl Scout law. And, I now use it with Flicka's brownie/junior troop.

Monday, October 8, 2012

FIR 2012: The Dresden Files 1-6

Well, I can blame an old high school friend for recommending Jim Butcher's novels to me a few years ago. Now, I figure there should be a 12-step group for people needing to get a life after reading the Harry Dresden series! LOL

One of my "secret" reading favorites are the fantasy/ sci-fi stuff of my adolescence. "A Wrinkle In Time" was THE book that drew me into the wonderful world of leisure reading around 3rd grade. Since then, I read and re-read L'Engle, LeGuin, Tolkien, Lewis,and McCaffrey over and over. You can now add Butcher to that list.

I read all the Harry Dresden series last year up to the thirteenth and most current, "Ghost Story," released last year. (By the way, number fourteen, "Cold Day," is to be released next month!) In honor of the pending new release, I wanted to re-read the series. I had put a hold on an e-version of the first six books and it happened to come in just at this reading challenge began. So, as I mentioned here, I followed this bibliographical detour from my original list and got reading.

And, I've gotten nothing done for a week!

Now, I won't go through all six plots but there is something to be said to see how Dresden develops over the course of much so that I can't wait to catch up via books seven through 13. For the record, here are the titles include in this first half of a baker's dozen: Storm Front, Fool Moon, Grave Peril, Summer Knight, Death Masks, and Blood Rites.

I love watching Dresden's internal battles with good/evil, his past and history, his greater beliefs in Magic vs western religion, and the new challenges. I love the characters including Lieutenant Karrin Murphy and his often-called-upon fellow battle man, Michael, who happens to be a holy Knight of the Cross...for real. White crusader cape, red cross, wielding a sword containing a nail from the Crucifixion...yea, THAT Crucifixtion. LOL

If you're looking for some sci-fi brain candy to get lost in for a while, please go to your local library STAT and look into the Harry Dresden series.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, October 1, 2012

FIR 2012: The White Queen by Philippa Gregory

Well, one book down...

I've followed the Boleyn books from Philippa Gregory a couple years ago. She has gone on to write over two dozen historically based novels primarily about the British monarchy.

Somewhere along the line, I had added "The White Queen" to my reading wish list at My wish was granted about a week before Katrina's reading challenge started so I started with that one.

I didn't find it as absorbing at "The Other Boleyn Girl" - too dry, too much telling and not enough showing, and (ultimately, through no fault of Gregory) too many characters with the same names and similar titles. A family tree is provided at the beginning of the book illustrating the beginnings of The Cousins' War and the War of the Roses but it ended with the characters at the beginning of the book. It would have been helpful to continue it to include all the marriages and births that followed over the course of the 411 page book.

I was caught up in the beginning, the love story, and their ascension to the English monarchy. But, their stumblings  the politics, and their fall didn't keep me interested. I stopped liking the main character. I didn't care if she succeeded  Didn't care who came out on top of the three-pronged fight between the Lancasters, Yorks, and budding house of Tudor. The "drama" was not enough to keep me interested.

However, the whole "princes in the tower" mystery sparked enough interest in more information that I ordered two books through interlibrary loan to read next: "The War of the Roses" and "The Princes in the Tower" by Alison Weir - a noted and celebrated monarchy historian.

i would recommend this book for a summer read but probably will skip the rest of Gregory's books in this series to tackle Weir's.