Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday Thanks Tank

There have been many challenges this week but also innumerable little blessings. I choose to focus on the latter...LOL

The smell of lilacs
The joy that dandelions bring to the Vikings and the resulting "momma bouquets" I've received
The smell of Lake Michigan wafting over the bluff and seemingly right to my porch
The wonder of little baby birds
The pleasure of a new neighbor - a single mom who's a teacher with a son the same age (nearly to the day! LOL) as Flicka
The frugal pleasure of two new-to-us Adirondack style chairs for the porch free from another neighbor who moved out this past weekend
Even the sand all over my house resulting in incessant sweeping because that means we're all spending more time outside
Walking barefoot again - finally!
Fewer socks (see above) in the laundry
For a peaceful and sweet wedding anniversary yesterday - eight years!
For DaHubby being on break from school this week
For a hubby who was rewarded for all his hard work and received straight A's this semester in four classes!
And, lastly, for a hubby who is currently driving to Lowes (it's 8:55 Wednesday night as I type this) because he just discovered a pipe under the kitchen sink is cracked

I'm blessed beyond words. God has granted me so much while I still am undeserving. His grace is awesome and I am thankful for that as well.

For more Thursday Thanks Tanks, check out Pam's bloggy home here.

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