Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Thanks Tank

It has been another emotionally brutal week at the Viking bones about it.

At one time or another this week, one or more of us has collapsed under the combined pressure of all the stress we've been under the last couple apart, then new jobs, schools, homes, states, friends, churches, etc.

And, it's been hard.

Really hard.

But, we will praise Him in the storm. So...

Thankful for my home. Not just this house but the HOME we've created. DaHubby and I, even in our pre-Vikings life, have always wanted our home to be a safe place for all of us to take refuge from the world. Even with all the upheaval and even with some unexpected things that have slipped passed our "radar" that have tipped us off balance, where the four of us gather is still HOME.

Thankful for honesty. Even when it hurts. WAY better than the alternative.

Thankful for those who God sends to reach out with help even when you don't know or don't think you need it.

Thankful for friends who hear "something" in a voice and say "hey, are you all right?"

Thankful for the gorgeous summer-turning-to-fall scenery that is NW Illinois farmland.

Thankful that Pojke's intestinal problems yesterday turned out to be nothing.

Thankful for quiet time doing simple things with DaHubby before he heads back to work after several scheduled days well as thank you, LORD, (again) for the new job!

Pam is my thankfulness "coach" of sorts so stop by her bloggy home and see what's she's thankful for today!

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